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What Is Dental Scaling and Why Is It Necessary?

a patient is having dental scaling

Proper dental health is crucial to your overall well-being. In this blog, Olivieri Dental Care tells you everything you need to know about dental scaling and how it can help improve your oral health and prevent gum disease.


What is Dental Scaling?

This is what is referred to as a, “regular teeth cleaning.”  Dental scaling consists of removing the soft and hardened plaque (called tartar) from between the teeth and around the gum line of the teeth.  While patients can clean their own teeth of most of their soft plaque buildup with a toothbrush, the tools used in a dental office (e.g. manual scaling instruments and ultrasonic scaling) allow for a true, complete removal of all plaque (soft AND hard) from all the nooks and cranies of the mouth.

What is Dental Root Planing?

Unlike regular teeth cleaning, dental root planing consists of reaching deep into the pockets that form between the teeth and the gums in order to eliminate tartar buildup and remove hardened plaque. Due to this, root planing is also sometimes referred to as deep cleaning. Since root planing allows dentists to access the areas below and above the gumline, it is also regularly used to address established periodontal disease (gum disease).

Types of Dental Scaling Tools

Dental professionals use two methods for dental scaling:


  • Manual scaling – This involves the use of hand-held instruments to remove soft and hardened plaque buildup. Since this method requires precision, it is particularly suitable for areas of the mouth that are hard to reach.


  • Ultrasonic scaling – This modern method is not only quicker than manual scaling, but it is also generally more comfortable for patients. It involves the use of high-frequency vibrations that can break down the build up of tartar more easily than with manual scaling.


Does Dental Scaling Hurt?

Modern dental scaling practices are designed to accommodate the patient’s comfort and sensitivity levels. While some mild sensitivity is to be expected during the procedure, your dentist can administer topical anesthetic gels, or even numb entire areas of the mouth, if needed.


Why is Dental Scaling Necessary?

Here are some reasons why dental scaling is important:


  • The prevention of gum disease – Dental scaling helps eliminate tartar buildup. Without this, the accumulation of tartar will cause gum inflammation, which in turn can develop into periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease.


  • Better oral health – In addition to its role in the prevention of gum disease, dental scaling also helps prevent tooth decay, bad breath, and other oral health problems caused by harmful bacteria.


  • The prevention of pocket formation – By removing plaque and tartar from between the gums and teeth, dental scaling also helps prevent the formation of pockets, which tend to create more tartar buildups and help bacteria proliferate in the mouth.


  • Better overall health – Good oral hygiene also contributes to better overall health, especially for the prevention or management of conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.


  • Enhanced aesthetics – Dental scaling also helps improve the appearance of your teeth and smile through the elimination of stains and tartar.


Dental Scaling in Hamilton

Are you looking for professional dental scaling services in Hamilton? Olivieri Dental Care offers a wide range of comprehensive dental solutions to patients of all ages, including dental scaling. Our dental scaling services can not only prevent and treat gum issues such as gingivitis and periodontal disease, but they can also help enhance your overall oral health. We also provide emergency services for urgent cases.


Contact us today to book an appointment with us.



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